GTfusion Dunlop - Organisation d'Evénements autour de la simulation automobile - GT5

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GTfusion Dunlop - Organisation d'Evénements autour de la simulation automobile - GT5
GTfusion Dunlop - Organisation d'Evénements autour de la simulation automobile - GT5
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GTfusion Dunlop

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GTfusion Dunlop Empty GTfusion Dunlop

Message  Schettura Dim 27 Fév - 7:06

Hello everyone,

As you know, the past several years the GTfusion staff makes every effort to make racing exciting.
New in 2011 Dunlop joins GTfusion as our partner for the tires.
In addition to providing the best tires for the races, Dunlop will reward the best drivers.
Thank Dunlop for their support we will ensure their maximum visibility on all races and all Forum: Videos, Photos, Logos, Banner ...
So the first round of the Dunlop GTfusion will take place on a different circuit.
GTfusion Dunlop will be held in Tsukuba on Dunlop with the HPA.
Each team will have to paint his car following his color.

The General Regulation does not change:
-20 laps
-4 races
- Dunlop Tires-your choice
- High-damage

Friday 21:30 GMT+01 qualifying begins (first start no later than 22:00 p.m.)
Saturday 21H GMT+01 early qualification (First start no later than 9:30 p.m.)
Sunday 16H GMT+01 early qualification (first start no later than 16.30 p.m.)

All the Staff GTfusion Dunlop wish you exciting race with the utmost fair play.
Hope to see you on the track with Dunlop!
GTfusion Dunlop Driving to the Future.

For the Staff

GTfusion Dunlop Driving to the Future...


Messages : 627
Date d'inscription : 28/02/2010
Age : 55
Localisation : Belgique (Liège)

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